Refresh your Brand (Rebranding)


Is It Time to Undergo Brand Refresh? Here’s How We Can Help..

Why Brand Refresh?

Every industry and marketplace goes through a change. If you want to adapt to these changes, you need to make sure that your brand is keeping up with the pace. Companies that have kept the same brand image for years can benefit immensely from a brand refresh and rebranding process. While it may seem very complicated, the process is typically very fun and engaging and can give your company increased brand awareness and a competitive edge when done right. It helps with elements that have been overlooked and ignored for years.

Refresh your Brand (Rebranding)While many companies feel intimidated to start a brand refresh, the reality is that it is an essential part of running a company. Having a strong partner to help throughout the process is one of the keys of successful brand refreshing. Even the biggest companies in the world have evolved their brand identity to keep up with all the changes in their respective markets. Without rebranding and repositioning, their competitors would have taken their market share. In fact, there are many examples of brands that were too slow in changing their image and ended up suffering heavy financial consequences. One of the many things that we can do for your brand is to adapt it to the current environment. For example, brands that get noticed in the online world are ones with a modern and strong visual brand identity. If your company’s visual brand identity has a classic or dated feel, it may be the perfect time to undergo a refresh, starting with your corporate logo design, typography, color palette and brand elements.

Eduhive Creative Studio help you come up with a brand identity that works with all mediums so that your brand is effective while being consistent. It may be also be a good time to renew your brand if :

  • Your company has undergone a repositioning strategy
  • You want to make sure that the visual presentations represent your company’s philosophy and current offerings, while appealing to correct demographics.

Refresh your Brand (Rebranding) - visual presentations

Branding is built from the inside out – company employees are the brand ambassadors. Having the strong visual brand and brand strategy is vital to your company’s long term success.

The overall visual presentation is a big part of a brand refresh. These days, brands are often recognized not for their logos, but for their story and message. Companies today are using visual storytelling and are making the elements in their advertising campaigns part of their overall brand image. These elements bridge the gap between the logo and the actual message.

Our experience in both traditional and new media gives us the necessary insight and experience to come up with a brand image that engages your audience and reflects the goals of your company.

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