Landing Page Design Best Practices

Landing Page Design

Are you using Landing Page to get conversion for your business?? If Yes, Is your business getting conversion through Landing Page?

Let’s check out some best practices to design Landing Page.

What is a Landing Page?

With businesses expanding their digital reach Google PPC & Landing Pages are becoming most efficient ways of getting conversions. The landing page is the key page of a website. A landing page can be any page where a visitor arrives at on your website after clicking an ad (for example, a Google text ad or display ad). It’s a web page that is designed to convert visitors to your site into leads.

Landing Page Design Best Practices

Does Your Business have a Landing Page? Is it getting your business enough conversions? Here we are sharing some tips to create effective Landing Pages based on our experience.

Use Captivating HeadingHeading plays a very important role in your Landing Page. It should be self sufficient to describe what is included in the Landing page. While writing a heading, keep it in mind that it should follow KISS rule. (Keep It Short & Simple). Catchy Powerful Phrases can be used to grab user’s attention on their very first visit to your Landing Page.

Single Point Focus Main motto of our landing page needs to be highlighted and the landing page must talk only about those points. Don’t confuse your users by going beyond your motto. Keep it simple. Focus on why we have designed the landing page? What’s our aim?

Get insights from AnalyticsTake help from the analytics report of your Landing Page. Analytics help you to get better understanding of the strategies used and their output. So change your Landing page according to that only.

Clear & Compelling CTA Particularly good landing pages typically contain just one focused campaign goal or objective known as a Call to Action (CTA). Precise and clear CTA’s have a better conversion rate.

Creative & Innovative Layout The Design is the first thing that attracts user’s attentions and pique curiosity in their minds. Your Layout should be simple and attractive. The placement should be apt for Landing Page.

Text and Image PlacementThe key points in our Landing page should be placed in such a way so that they can’t be overlooked by the uses and can be red easily.

Enlist Benefits of Your BusinessHow your Business can benefit the user? Why should people visit or buy from you? List the benefits on your Landing page clearly as it raises curiosity among the users.

Targeted Content Content is the Key! You have to be very precise and clear in framing your content for landing page.

Cut Anything You Can, Without Sacrificing Clarity.
2) Use Bullet Points
3) Keep Sentences and Paragraphs Short
4) Go Easy on Visuals and Videos
5) Use High Contrast

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