How can video marketing help your business

video marketing

Online video consumption in India has doubled in the last 2 years to a whopping 3.7 billion videos per month.

No matter what the content type is, the numbers show how we are becoming addicted to video channels.

But haven’t we all been always attracted towards videos? From booking our weekend to Ramayanand Mahabharat to being an avid watcher of series like ‘Surbhi’ and ‘Shaktiman’. Indian viewership has always been a loyal consumers of video content.

Did you know 65% of video content is consumed on mobile networks in India?

Yes, to add one here are some more facts from a recent survey carried out by Vuclip :

  • 56% Indian viewers preferred video downloading on their smartphones
  • 85% viewers preferred short-form video content (i.e. short films/videos of 10 minutes) on smartphones
  • User-generated content is watched more on smartphones (28%) than on laptops (20%).
  • 60% Indian viewers prefer comedy videos, thus increasing mobile network usage up to 65% in India as compared to 49% in other Asian nations
  • Indian viewers consumed 56% of video content while traveling, as compared to 46% in other Asian nations
  • 40% of Indian consumers paid for online videos on iTunes and YouTube as compared to 29% in other Asian nations

The reason why the video has become king of mobile media is that it offers better engagement at ease. And such a phenomenal level of engagement is transforming the digital marketing culture as well.

So how can your business take benefit from this rapid growth?

  • Building content which tell about your journey and what’s different in you:
    Brand storytelling enables a brand to motivate a potential consumer. Whether it is about your brand or benefits of your products or a new launch, watching a small video is always much more engaging.
  • Make sure of Effective distribution across all channels including your website:
    You can use relevant social media and WhatsApp groups to share videos related to your product or service. Mobile-optimized videos reach the maximum number of clients and boost product sales as well as brand awareness. Remember it is not about posting in 100 platforms with 10 viewers. It is about postingon 10 relevant platforms with 1000 viewers. It is also about making sure that the content is reused. A long video can be divided into clips and clips can be used for ads.
  • Are you Measuring & Tracking:
    There is no use of generating content which has no likeability. Hence close tracking and monitoring of content is necessary. Maintain a sheet of all the content you are generating and track weekly viewership. Regenerate content which is getting more attraction. If you are confused on, what should you measure other that the number of views and likes on a video then here is a simple list:
  1. Number of shares – is the information helping to build your brand awareness.
  2. Number of comments – what are people talking about on your video.
  3. Final conversion from the video – have you received any inquiry or call from this content.
  4. How many people have seen 25%, 50% and 100% video (you can track this via Google tag manager) this will tell you whether your content is engaging or not.

Once your above 3 points are in line you can start working on optimizing your content.

Tips to Optimize Video Content

  • Adding keywords to your video description to help it rank in Google search results.
  • Uploading a transcript of the video to maximize views.
  • Including your email address in the summary section.
  • Adding functional hyperlinks to your website or landing pages.
  • Optimizing your YouTube channel by creating playlists for easy viewing.
  • Use long tail Keywords:  example rather than writing “Best CRM Software’s” write  “ Best Online CRM software for faster efficient management”. Also try to use same focus keywork in title and description.
  • Ensure that you only use hashtags related to your video.
Build Calls To Action

Pro tip: Build calls to action — Make sure you have a funnel for follow up.

CTAs could include:

  • A series of YouTube annotations pointing to different resources.
  • A direct prompt from the video’s host.
  • A short link at the end of the video directing viewers to a landing page.

One of the best examples and my favorite to check out for a brand that has done tremendous brand awareness with video marketing is ‘Paper Boat’.

Looking to develop content marketing strategy? Need a partner for your video content?
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