6 ways you optimize your site for Voice-Based SEO


why optimize your site for Voice-Based SEO?


Search is getting smarter than ever before! Voice Search Is one of the fastest-growing types of search with 65% Of users doing Voice Search every day and asking questions on smartphones & 39.4% of Users operate a voice assistant at least once a month Voice Search is now no longer just a fad. 

As a marketer, we often advise the business to think about the way their customers behave in a natural environment. 

Few people type the way they speak search queries are usually longer when they are spoken. 

For example, you usually write when searching – “Weather Shimla”, but when you speak you are more likely to ask a complete question “What is the weather in Shimla?”

As programs like Google Siri are becoming more and more popular It is natural that our search engines will also start interpreting the natural phrases of the language. 

 So how to implement Voice Search optimization in your SEO strategy? 

 Added score optimizing for voice Search similar to the SU office to yours but with a refined focus.

1) Focus on conversational keywords: 

Short tail keywords are still relevant, they are not disappearing entirely but more than ever, businesses need to focus attention on conversational long-tailed keywords. So when you are finalizing your keyboard list make sure that under every Short tail you list out the long tail or the conversation keywords that man might be typing when searching your service or product type.

2) Create compelling persona-based content: 

Relevance is important when optimizing for words while optimizing for Voice Search. A good strategy that can be easily applied by a website is to create content on Web pages where headlines that ask a common question immediately after the headline. Provide a concise answer or definition to the question, and use the rest of the page to provide further elaborative detail on the topic. 

3) Provide context with schema markup : 

 Use schema markup to tell Google or the search engine what your site is about this HTML add-on help search engine understand the context of your content which means you run better in a typical search and more relevant in specific worries made Via Voice Search.

4) Add FAQs on your page: 

 A usual Voice Search starts with a question. Sentences usually begin with who what where when why and how. People Re looking for answers in their search. To answer these questions, Faqs are a good way.  Also, the answers can be text-intensive which means you have more space to input or add direct Short tail keywords. 

5) Think mobile think local: 

We are shifting to a mobile 1st world.  Mobile and local go hand-in-hand, especially where Voice Search is concerned. Voice Search enables users to ask hyperlocal questions. Make sure things like Your location are readable in the XML site map. Also if possible create extra pages for mobile users that are optimized for near me type to search on mobile.

6) Claim your Google my business listing: 

Your Google my business listing is an essential part of local Seo and Voice Search because boy searches are often used to find out important details about your business such as contact Number Address Google must have accurate information about these details. Also Google my business page helps you to add tags to your business as well as showcase your products or services under their section hence if somebody is searching about your service or is using a tag similar to the one that your Google page has your chances to be On display becomes higher. 

Voice Search is clearly on a rise and we will be foolish to ignore its strength. 

Sharing a few stats with you for more info: 

 1) 93% of consumers are satisfied with their voice assistants.

 2) Close to 50% of people are now researching products using Voice Search.

 3) 43% of smart speaker owners use the technology to shop.

 4) Google claims 95% accuracy in their voice Search technology.

 5) Voice-enabled chatbots will continue to increase. 

Ps. Hope you enjoyed reading. FYI this blog is written with help of the voice type module of Google. 

Fact source- PCW.COM 

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